Park the stagecoach near Flatneck Station just where the bridge starts. Alpine Goat - Emerald Ranch or Mama Watson's house . Grangers farm only gives me rodeo and cattleman hats. Ramsbottom at Flatneck Station. RDR2 Dreamcatcher Location 1 - The first Dreamcatcher we find was on the windy path that. Oh Chapter 2 Arthur. Dreamcatcher Location 1: Dead Tree West of. Also missing about 90% of my torso. You can replace Swanson in the poker game. Fossil #2: North of the Mysterious. Once on top follow the path down to the ledge on the right. The harmonica is inside the building. I’ve looked all over the circular yellow blip on my map, like every square inch and can’t seem to locate the damn loot. Smoking and other Hobbies is a Stranger side-mission in Red Dead Redemption 2. Another location is in the town of Valentine, aka what is basically the starting town. Just to the northwest of Flatneck Station, follow the road along the Dakota river. Two lawmen will be escorting a man in a locked cage. UNLIMITED GOLD but you have to be in a solo lobby. Bone 23. Rio Bravo Dinosaur Bone Locations. RDR2 Flat Neck Station. Places like Valentine and Flatneck station have a lower buy-in and is easier for new player, but. The location is close to Flatneck Station. The Torn Treasure Map requires you to shoot the hermit who holds it in order to acquire it. May 28, 2019. The Southern and Eastern Railroad takes a little longer to complete the loop in about 16 in-game hours. Plus buckets and buckets of cheesy country music blasting away. The first map shows a rock formation near a town. Bring Jack any one of these five options and he'll hand over a candy bar in exchange. Hi, Offcial (not) Red Dead Locomotive Engineer here, not quite sure on all the data but as far as spawn points the only place I can confirm them to spawn is Flatneck Station, south of Valentine. Red Dead Redemption 2. 1. Problem with Jack Hall gang treasure map. It's also a very small, but nice location. Recipe: Perfect Deer Pelt. Most of the animals found from this set are corralled inside easy to reach locations around New Hanover. Dinosaur Bone 3. ; An Easter Egg in the form of Bonnie McFarlane's dying husband can be found along the southern shore of Flatneck Station, east of. Wrong location. There are a total of 20 Dreamcatchers to collect in Red Dead Redemption 2. West Elizabeth rock carving locations. The map is in a hollow tree trunk. In the Northwestern corner of Cumberland Forest, New Hanover, climb the mountain, and walk until you reach the edge of it. . The first map to the Jack Hall Gang treasure can be purchased from Maximo, a treasure hunter found on the ridge overlooking the river north-west of Flatneck Station and north of Bard's. 1. Head just east of the last location, to the area between Cotorra Springs, Fort Wallace, and Bacchus Station. Heartlands Grassy Hill Bone Location: On a grassy hill in the open. Hide all Show all. ;. Requires special river lure. There are a total of 144 Cigarette Cards divided into 12 different sets. 2. Mission walkthrough: The Flatneck station is located south of the gang's headquarters. Strangers highlighted in bold will add progression towards this achievement: Chapter 1. There’s no reason to specify; you will undoubtedly find a few skunks just by traveling up and down the eastern side of the state. Emmet Granger – Farm below Horseshoe Overlook camp. Not for the cigarettes. Make 2-3 Manual Saves (Pause Menu, Story, Save Game). Favorited. In-game Description: A rare knife, with a handle manufactured from the antler of a stag, and part of the blade snapped off near the crossguard. Between the A and R in Heartlands, go under the Oil Derrick. This Walkthrough shows how to complete this Stranger Mission in RDR2. RELATED: Red Dead Online: Best Creeping Thyme Locations. Flatneck station RDR2 is a major location that can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2. KKK Clan Encounter #3 Location. Legendary Chain Pickerel are caught and sent through the mail. As a. The second from the left, when looking at the map, has the card on the front porch. I look for him before doing any missions in chapter 2. Ramsbottom is a minor character in Red Dead Redemption 2. • 1 mo. 90025158265648 lng: 104. Try to win two rounds (you don't have to win them in a row) and don't leave the table prematurely. Speaking to Phineas unlocks the quest and the ability to find Cigarette Cards. 4 Valentine - Poker. Since they are so valuable. I noticed a random box in the middle of the fall and then landed on my feet in the same exact location you described, very far from my horse, and very confused. Once players reach level 10 in Red Dead Online, you will receive the Bard's Crossing Treasure Map, which (as the name implies) will lead you to that very same area. The harmonica is inside the building. There are some perfect crows (2 sitting next to each other) sitting at a fence at the small farm under heartland overflow (left of emerald ranch) Anywhere. r/RedDeadOnline. Trading Post. This is a location I’ve personally had very little success with, but that could depend on each. In order to deliver it you must get Sadie Adler’s errand request first. If you kill him or he went away you can still buy the map from any fence. Carving 5: North of Window Rock, which is north of Valentine. Best Donkey Locations . Go down the pathway and walk along the cliffside to reach the Rock Carving. Grizzlies. The Bonnie MacFarlane easter egg is just south of Van Horn Trading Post. Tall Trees northeast of Aurora Basin and the north area by Bacchus Station near Donner Falls. The poker challenges are Numbers 1, 4 and 10. Go to Flatneck station and wander around and you should find him. Award. Ride east of Flatneck Station in The Heartlands, NH to find another dinosaur bone. If you keep traveling along this direction, you'll eventually come to a cliffside. the current location of both trains are shown on the map. Drop all the way to the. By going to any of the locations where poker is played in game - these are Blackwater, Saint Denis, Valentine, Tumbleweed and Flatneck Station - or by selecting it in the mission selection menu you can buy into a Public Game or start a Private Game. A lone house under the word "Valentine" on the map and behind the sheriffs office. Caliban’s Seat is a tall rocky region. Close to Blackwater for the butcher and camp if you set up anywhere near there. Go to the location in the video – “Limpany”, a burned-down village just a tiny bit north-west of Flatneck Station. The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is full of a wide variety of plants for players to collect and use in crafting recipes. This guide details how to complete all 90 challenges of the Story Mode of Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Online Map. From Location 8, head north into the Roanoke Ridge Valley to Deer Cottage. Yes. ) (You can see that in. Use your audio cues, controller vibration, and eagle. This one’s a bit tricky to find because there. Walk around until your controller starts vibrating like it has a pulse. Dinosaur Bone. Had to save and exit a few times, I was trying for 2 hats but when I saw the pigs I remembered seeing them needed by the trapper and grabbed them up. For this mission we need to find a captive a. Use a River Lure. Woodpeckers, there are two species: Both can be found around the river crossing near Flatneck Station, a little SW from Strawberry, Creek River by Wallace Station, and the grasslands between Emerald Ranch and the Overflow. South Gorge Bone. Valentine: Valentine: New Hanover: On a table inside. The West Elizabeth location for bison is found just southwest of the city of Blackwater. The first map of the Le Tresor Des Morts hunt is found in Limpany, an old and burned down settlement found in the Heartlands region, right to the north of Flatneck Station. When you get close, you’ll spot a large mossy boulder jutting out. Now that you have the map finished, RDR2 will do you a favor and highlight the area in a Stranger circle. fandom. • 17 days ago. It's a rare drop, just keep trying, you can try doing flaco hernandez missions such as destroy supplies which usually spawns in Colter. Its exact location can be observed on the in-game map below. This RDR2 challenge involves playing Poker at Saint Denis, Valentine, and Flatneck Station. I found the hungarian half bred in one of the first debt recovery missions. they usually come out of some small clump of trees/bushes as you ride by them. Players must locate three Jack Hall Gang treasure maps, the first of. Here you can play poker, find two cigarette cards, and meet the stranger who wants you to collect cigarette cards. He finds him beyond intoxicated, playing poker with two men named Luther and Marvin. You can find bison roaming around the Great Plains there. Red Dead Redemption 2 Rock Carvings – Location 6. Hide all Show all. Thanks all for the help! So playing through I found a harmonica at the one gunslinger's hut and believe I fenced it without thinking. Head to the highlighted area, east of Flatneck Station. RDR2 Dreamcatcher Location 18 - This Dreamcatcher is just east and slightly north of Flatneck Station,. There should be a trapper to the west or north west of Flatneck Station. Directly south between the B and A in Ambarino is the Window Rock. The Trading Post in The Heartlands, NH, is a Point of Interest. The easiest way to do so is to start at Flatneck Station and just keep riding east until your in the Heartlands, more or less south of the first A in Heartlands on the map. Way down by Rio Del Lobo, the Largemouth Bass is easy to spot in the clear water. Dinosaur Bone. You can also go to south of the flatneck station, in case you didn't find badger where I said before. Lemoyne Raiders. Necessary Lure: Special Lake Lure. Flatneck station RDR2 is a major location that can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2. Victoria, BC. Ramsbottom gains the attention of the player. Perfect Boar Skin. RELATED: Red Dead Online: Best Cormorant. Directly south of the ‘B’ in Bravo on your map you’ll find a big rock. There is one rancher in the area and he will attack on sight. Starting Map Location: Go to the below location (near Flatneck Station) and talk to the Stranger there. m. You can find the harmonica in the area shown in the picture - Emmet Granger's farm next to the Flatneck Station. Where to Find the Harmonica: Now that we know who needs the Harmonica in Red Dead Redemption 2, let’s try to find it. Simply pick the hat up and it will automatically save to your wardrobe under the ' Stolen Hats ' section. On a road south of New Austin, west of Lake don Julio, in a burnt wagon. Striped Skunks have been spotted along the train tracks north of O’Creagh’s Run. 1. Unfortunately for the new brother and another member, things go quite bad and they end up getting burned by the same cross the new. This is the treasure location next to flatneck station, you get this in the parcel after story missionThere is more than one spawn location, read comments fo. You might accidentally complete this mission on your first visit to the poker table. To upgrade you will need Leather Working Tools and craft three recipes at the Scout Fire. 3:49 - DREAMCATCHER 19 (NR FLATNECK STATION) 3:59 - DREAMCATCHER 20 (NR COTORRA SPRINGS) 4:00 - DISCOVER THE SECRET OF. The bulk of them are located on the eastern portion of the map, so I will be starting there and then working my way across towards the west. This bustling skunk habitat spans as far west as Emerald Ranch before dispersing toward the state. Missions. Quest Giver: Jeremy Gill Region: east of Flatneck Station Requirements: having finished Chapter 2 A Fisher of Fish Starting Location When having finished Chapter 2 and. Lure needed for Legendary Rock Bass: Lake Lure How to Catch the Legendary Catfish in Red Dead Redemption 2Find any useful items, locations or event around the map of RDO. Mary-Beth — Fountain Pen location. This lake is near where you killed the legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear. Pearson (between 8am-2pm) · Rabbit (Available up to Chapter Ⅳ) . Make sure you’ve actually started the side mission “Smoking and Other Hobbies” by speaking to Phineas T. Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher location 6 Journey to Flatneck Station and head West along the northern path. The main-story-mission poker game starts at Flatneck Station. Outside of Flatneck Station, an excitable man named Phineas T. The best pronghorn hunting grounds are probably the lands spanning from the southeast to the northeast of. The rare pirate cutlass can be found on an abandoned boat that’s on an island just south of the Saint Denis bridge. 5. Location 9: Deer Cottage. I 👀 what you did there! Was just about to comment Flatneck Station. At a burned out settlement slightly north of Flatneck Station; Slightly northwest of “Cumberland Forest” on your map, above a rope bridge on the cliff. Map. First time you go, you have to clear out a couple of O'Driscolls. r/RedDeadOnline. Your goal is to climb it and find the hidden. Legendary Sockeye Salmon. The Elysian pool is northeast of Emerald Station next to the E in Hanover. #10 – At Blackwater (No Trains). RDR 2 Dinosaur Bone Locations – Where to Find – The Heartlands. Angus Ox - Carmody Dell or Hanging Dog Ranch. [deleted] • 5 yr. SkunkRDR2 World Map Red Dead Online Map. Flatneck Station: New Hanover: Behind the train station on a barrel between a stack of firewood and a cotton bale. Try to win two rounds (you don't have to win them in a row) and don't leave the table prematurely. Maximo is looking through some binoculars, but calls you over when he sees you. Legendary Gar: Between Lakay and Lagras in the swamps. Just keep picking up maps until you get lake isabella. Located north of Strawberry on a mountain facing a valley. Reverend Swanson is located near Flatneck Station. Interact with the treasure hunter to have the option of purchasing the map. There is a mountain west of Bacchus station which is home to the next Rock Carving we are gonna collect. I have left the Nevada hat in because technically it can be stolen as well as found. All you have to do is win 5 games of poker. hi i have some questions about the trains. Hereford Bull - Hanging Dog Ranch. Another good spot to find them is along the railings of the railway bridge between Riggs and Flatneck Station. Upon traveling North West of Flatneck Station, you will come across a. Harmonica Gift. Enter and after. Jump across the gap and the climb up over the stone that’s jutting out the side. Phineas can be found sitting on a bench outside of Flatneck Station, smoking. Important Facts about Burdock Root in RDR2As previously mentioned, Limpany is a burned-down town that players can find somewhere in the middle of Flatneck Station and the Dakota River in Red Dead Redemption 2. more. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Gambler Challenge Walkthrough Guide - Gambler 4: Bust one Poker opponent out in each locationRed Dead Redemption 2 Challenges Guide. Flatneck Station Bison can be found northeast of Flatneck Station. Wallace Station and Riggs Station -> Central Union Railroad; Stops at Valentine -> Emerald Station; Also Read: Where to Find Trappers Location. Located in Heartlands, New Hanover, you will find a Rock Carving just North West of Flatneck Station on the edge of a cliff. 3. It features a long snapped blade which gives it a. It features a long snapped blade which gives it a. Lake Isabella map is lootable from enemies around it, you may want to try Colter hideout or the one near mountain hagen. Loot Micah’s frozen corpse to collect his. One of the dinosaur bones is the Grassy Hills dinosaur bones. The map is just to the east of the n in Roanoke Ridge in the Red Cottage. To get started, make your way. In fact, when. Accepted Answer. It’s a tiny little spot on the map, and you can easily decide to ignore it if you don’t know. . Open your map and just east of Flatneck Station you should see a small pig farm. The quaint town of Valentine is located in the center of the entire map, and this village is the first location that you and the gang visit in the story mode for Red Dead Redemption 2. Inside of the hut, there will be a multileveled shelf located right. Old Spot Pig - Flatneck Station. SkunkCredits and distribution permission. He gives you a letter on which it is written: “Dear Miss MacFarlane, I’m sorry. See full list on reddead. There are 50 Points of Interest in the Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode. Songbirds are a fairly common sight in Red Dead Redemption 2. Flatneck Station is extremely close to Horseshoe Overlook, so finding it should not be difficult. The first map of the Jack Hall Gang treasure hunt can be obtained as soon as Chapter 2 begins. 90025158265648 lng: 104. Online; You get this treasure map for reaching level 15. Harmonica location. This area is more or less inaccessible because of patrolling sheriffs until you reach. Points of Interest Overview. The first of the semi-spoilery bones. The quest becomes available during Chapter 2. Starting Location: Flatneck Station, New Hanover. Plants. Gambling Challenge #1: Win 5 Hands of Poker. (south-east of Flatneck Station). Some items are only found in one place, like Sadie’s request for a harmonica. Once you find it, walk across the river, climb the riverbank near the horse. In order to find the Tall. Alternatively wait at Flatneck Station. Join. Related: How Red Dead Redemption Embodies Cinema's Greatest Anti-WesternsNov 6, 2018. Located on the south-western tip of New Hanover, it lies on the train tracks that lead to Riggs St…7. They are mountable and hitchable animals, but they cannot be saddled by the player or stabled. Near the “L” in. Check out our other RDR2 Collectables Guides:. The final Ambarino rock carving is a little south of Moonstone Pond and a bit north of Emerald Station. Approach the man sitting next to the small building on the Southern part of the station. Killuminati523. Go to the place marked on your map. the camouflage tends to give them something to spawn from, rather then just sitting out in the open and visible as you ride up to them. Once you get rid of him, search the drawers of his house. Otis Miller’s Revolver. To start the Stranger Mission “A Test of Faith”, make your way to the location above which is just east of Flatneck Station in The Heartlands. Between the A and R in Heartlands, go under the Oil Derrick. This is just so you can return. Legendary Muskie. Flaco Hernandez Gunslinger Locations. All Legendary Fish locations. After he passes out, Luther asks Arthur to play the. 3. Once players reach level 10 in Red Dead Online, you will receive the Bard's Crossing Treasure Map, which (as the name implies) will lead you to that very same area. you will need to go to Flatneck station and just on the northwestern. Flatneck Station - slightly north west of the station a leafy tree sitting beside a few rocks and bushes. Map 1. Quest Giver: Jeremy Gill Region: east of Flatneck Station Requirements: having finished Chapter 2 A Fisher of Fish Starting Location When having finished Chapter 2 and moved to the new camp Clemens […] 3. Rock Carving 8 Location – South of Moonstone Pond Where to Find the Harmonica: Now that we know who needs the Harmonica in Red Dead Redemption 2, let’s try to find it. Northwest of the town along the state line. You’ll find it in the northern part of the New Austin region at Cholla Springs. It’s not far from Horseshoe Overlook. That’s when you play Poker in Story for the first time. UNLIMITED GOLD but you have to be in a solo lobby. 5. Most YouTube tutorials I’ve seen have the snake bite victim just south of Caliban’s Seat, just north of the river, but he is not there in my game. Lost Letter to Bonnie is a letter found in Red Dead Redemption 2. There, he will meet Phineas T. At the station, Arthur will meet with a man. If you kill him or he went away you can still buy the map from any fence. Legendary Steelhead Trout - Located in the very North Eastern corner of the map, above Brandywine Drop. As for the other spot, you can also find Red Dead Redemption 2 bison in West Elizabeth. The west of Cumberland is the region for Rock Carving 3. I have a treasure map but can’t find the loot! I’ve been using dead eye too! BARDS CROSSING - FLATNECK STATION. We’ve listed these Rock Carving locations as you’ll find them from east to west on the map. Rdr2 flatneck station poker. Gang Hideouts. Interact with the treasure hunter to have the option of purchasing the map. For example, the Bard’s Crossing Treasure Map you’ll get after reaching Rank 10 will be in New Hanover, just west of Flatneck Station. Players should continue to fold until. Random Encounters. To upgrade you will need Leather Working Tools and donate $50. Head south from the first “A” in “The Heartlands” and you should eventually find the field. :) thefatman999 4 years ago #13. Essentially, there are five different locations on the map where you can play poker: Valentine, Tumbleweed, Saint-Denis, Flatneck Station and Blackwater. I’ve seen a lone Mustang running with small groups of other breeds in a few places: southeast of the Heartland Oil Fields, just east of Flatneck Station, and in the big flat area north of the mountain north of Strawberry. Animal Class Fish. West and slightly north of Flatneck Station, near the curving road you can. RDR2 World Map Red Dead Online Map. That town is Valentine, the place you began Chapter 2 next to, and have probably visited by. Aptly called Heartlands Grassy Hills Bone Location, it's a surprising. Jack Hall Gang Map 1 Location. Location Of All The Plants In Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s inside the hut on a cupboard. It serves as a hub for. You can also play poker in the center of the town of Blackwater, in the. The southeastern tip of New Hanover that juts out making a small peninsula in the northeast corner of Flat Iron Lake is usually lush with vegetation. I feel like I’ve seen almost every horse breed there except the Hungarian Halfbred. The second map to the Jack Hall gang treasure is found by finding the stash from the first Jack Hall map. Westbay Marine Village & RV Park. The games at Valentine, Tumbleweed, and Flatneck station cost $2. - SUS013- From Episode CIIE32 Unique Sight Playlist: Broken Pirate Sword. Another small Cardinal habitat straddles the border between New Hanover and Lemoyne, south of Emerald Ranch. #7 – At Riggs Station, south-east of Strawberry (Train Station available). In fact, when. Maximo can be found near the cliff west of Flatneck Station. In this case; however, you only need to find one. This happened before the events of Red Dead Online in 1898. for the new collector role, youre required to search for a wildflower just east of flatneck station. In the video game, you can find and collect the Old Brass Compass starting Chapter 2, after you reach Horseshoe Overlook. Location 1: Go to the south of the tracks, straight west of Flatneck Station. Between the station and Dakota River is a patch of rough terrain. 2. One of the most accurate and prettiest weapons in RDR2 made of ivory and gold is the Otis Miller’s Revolver, which can be obtained during the game’s Epilogue only. When you find him, he’ll be surrounded. You can pick up this RDR2 gold bar starting in Chapter 4 by heading to Lemoyne’s Braithwaite Manor,. Legendary Largemouth Bass: Lake Don Julio. He enjoys smoking and loves collecting Cigarette Cards. Grangers farm only gives me rodeo and cattleman hats. You can tell its a fresh spawn too, as it has the Engineer w his snazzy hat. Locate the Sheriff's office, then find the lock box hidden under the desk. Lemoyne. Lemoyne. Oil Field Bone. If you're still in Chapter 2, you can reach Limpany easily from the Horseshoe Overlook camp. To kick off the quest to find the Vistas of America Cigarette Card set in Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ll need to talk to Phinease T. They’re typically the last ones I find doing the horseman challenge. This is the treasure location next to flatneck station, you get this in the parcel after story missionThere is more than one spawn location, read comments fo. North side of the Aurora basin, west side of the house in the broken porch. To get them, talk to the stranger at Gills Landing, which is East of Flatneck Station on the coast. New Hanover. Between the lettering of the Dakota River and Flatneck Station. Best Loon Locations . I’ve wandered around there for a few hours to no avail. That’s all the post offices & train stations and their locations in RDR2. Ramsbottom sat at Flatneck Station from early Chapter 2 onwards, who will start you on the "Smoking. Ride east of Flatneck Station in The Heartlands, NH to find another dinosaur bone. After the train driver abandons the train. By Angie Harvey , Casey DeFreitas , Max Roberts , +1. 1. On the south side of the river. Arthur arrives at Flatneck Station to look for Reverend Swanson. Much like the rest of RDR2's realistic and immersive world, certain types of fruit are only found. . He is apparently some famous treasure hunter, but is having a hard time decoding. CHOICE: Acquire the Jack Hall Gang Treasure Map by paying $10 or robbing Maximo. RDO Map. One of the stranger side missions you can pick up in Red Dead Redemption 2 is called “Geology for Beginners. This event only happens at night time. The whole settlement is in ruins, with the exception of two buildings that. 50 to join, while the games in Saint Denis and Blackwater cost $5. Anyway, you can also find badger south of flatneck station too. Players must find treasure maps for Maximo, who can be located atop a cliff west of Flatneck Station, as part of this quest. Rio Bravo Dinosaur Bone Locations. The eighty location has you traveling north east of Flatneck Station and near the Dakota River. This set of Dreamcatchers is found a little to the northeast of the Horse Outlook, where the Van der Linde gang camp is located in Chapter 2. Valentine and st denis were easy but ive been trying flatneck for a week now and one session every time i had 2 pair or a flush the guy to the right of me had the exact same fucking cards and won by kicker. Throughout the game, you will be able to collect many different types of weapons, ammo, and other collectibles which will unlock different achievements. This is a. After picking up the first map, you can follow the clues to the stashes at these.